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Thread: Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version]

  1. #121
    Registered User Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version] Dimi's Avatar
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    Which FF had your Favorite Music?
    I would have to say FF VIII.I like ihe intro of the game and the battle system music. Also when you enter a town or something, I love that mellow beat.And its just to me, the music was more related to the game than other ones.

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?
    Obviously FFIX. Zidane was different than the other main characters in the game. He was more different than Cloud or Squall because he had mor of a personality and it showed more. Garnet was just an amazing FF girl of all time because she was like the helpless princess, but as he story progesses, she learns more about her capabilities and she strong. Vivi just rocks.He's a kick ass black mage and he's really cool and I love how he can kick ass for a little guy. As for Steiner he is hilarious. He gets all over-protective and gets all angry and acts dumb. Quina cracked me up when everytime it would talk, it would always relate to food. Eiko was hilarious with her spunky, bratty attitude, but she got annoying. And Freya seems reall cool and I like how her and Amarant can use cool abilities in battle.Overall, I think this FF game has a unique, one of a kind characters ever.

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?
    FF IX. Vivi because he's a cool black mage and I like his role in the story of discovering who he is.

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?
    I would say FFX,because it seemed the best, but in a way kinda easy, but I like how you could switch character off and on in battle. But now, FFXII seems really cool.

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?
    No doubt its Sephiroth. He has a bad ass image and he caused a lot of destruction and really manipulated Cloud and the others throughout the game..And plus his longsword too.
    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?
    FFIX. I don't know honestly, but it seemed really cool, and I just got into it the minute I played the game.

    Which FF had your Favorite Ending?
    FFX. I liked the ending after Tidus dissapears.And how Yuna finally ralizes that she loves Tidus,Its kinda similar to FFIX except, Zidane comes back and they fall in love.

  2. #122
    Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version] David Bateman's Avatar
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    Which FF had your Favorite Music?
    FF9, a pretty much genious soundtrack. Personally i really enjpy the Memoria music. It's pretty catchy. And it's very eirie (sp?) sounding.

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?
    FF4. I still like Kain and Cecil over any FF. I don't care what anyone says.

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?
    Kain from FF4, despite being mind-controlled for alot of it.

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?
    FF8, Despite most. I really enjoy junction. It makes life so much easier. Same for the level up system too.

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?
    Probably Kuja. Despite his cowardice. I just like the fact that he's the only person in the game that can use ultima. Technically, it kills you too. (With the whole 'use your other 4 charachters energy' stuff. It must incinuate that he killed you...right??)

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?
    And back we come to FF4. I really do like FF4. The storyline is way too god for a 16bit game. I must demand a remake.

    Which FF had your Favorite Ending?
    FF9. Not because Zidane and Garnet get married. Just to see all of Vivi's kids. The cute little things.

  3. #123
    Registered User Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version] Irvine Valentine's Avatar
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    Music: Final Fantasy VI with IX coming up second. I would just stand on the world map sometimes to listen to it in VI. And you can't beat Locke's theme and Forever Rachel. I think part of the reason I love Locke so much is the awesome music that plays when he makes his first appearance. As for IX I really enjoy "Melodies of Life" and the medival type music was awesome.

    Characters: VI wins again. With so many characters to choose from each with their own personality, pasts, and abilities how can it not be. You've got the noble thief TREASURE HUNTER who will go out of his way to protect strangers and is trying to stop the empire. Then you got a general who works for the empire but then decides to fight against them, and then you've got the womanizing King and his brother who chose to train his body instead of ruling a kingdom, and a kid who can bring pictures to life and on and on and on... Let's just say I like VI's characters.

    Character: Locke Cole followed closely by Fujin and Zidane just because he's pretty much the same person. Locke was just a fun guy who just wanted to help out. He has some issues in his past that eat away at him but he goes on anyway and he doesn't burden others with those problems.

    Badguy: This one is hard. But I will say Sephiroth is nowhere on my list. He did get me a little when he killed Aeris but that's about it and if Aeris had been more likable then yeah Sephiroth would be up there. But no I think I'd have to say Kain and Seifer just because of their interesting stories and the way they grow throgh the games. They both let things like arrogance, love, and envy lead them to make bad decisions but they eventually see the error os their ways. I just wish Seifer had done it sooner so you could use him more in the game. Another villain I like (and please don't shoot me, I know I sound biased towards VI) is Kefka. He may be typical in the sense that he is just evil and that's his entire excuse for doing the things he does. But this guy was a wacko and he actually suceeded in destroying the world. And there is nothing scarier than a villain who has no good side to him that you could even try to appeal too. Most villains have at least some emotion that you can use to slow them down or show a tad bit of mercy. But not with ol Keffy. And any villain that can creep you out when he is just a little sprite in a video game is a good villain. I'd be scared to play a PS3 version of the game.

    Battle System: Not VI. It was alright...but no. I really liked the simplicity of I and IV. You had a fighter - knight and he was good at fighting with the sword. You had a black mage who casts black magic. So forth and so on. I like it when characters have their own skills that they have specialized at unlike learning all kinds of magic no matter what from items like in VI and IX or just equipping Materia. I also liked X's battle system because you could switch out your party members. That was a dream come true.

    Storyline: VIII was good, especially since it involved a little bit of time travel, which I'm a big fan of and thus enjoy chrono trigger immensly. I also really liked VI of course but its not my favorite and besides the world actually getting destroyed it didn't have much. It was really the characters that made that one so interesting. I really liked X as well. Yeah I think VIII and X are the top ones here.

    Ending: VIII and IX. I really liked the way Zidane 'sacrificed himself' and then showed up at the end returnng to garnet. It was very sweet. And VIII was just crazy. And I like crazy. And I really liked how it showed the characters having their little party now that the world was safe again. And Zell's choking on the food was hilarious!
    Phantesie Finelle is my Final Fantasy

  4. #124
    Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version] Súrion's Avatar
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    Music: This was always going to be the hardest of choices for me, since the music is my favourite part of the games. Definitely not X-2. Nobuo is such a better musician. I also love "To Zanarkand" from X, but thats the only truly special track on its Soundtrack... I think I'll have to settle for.... IX. I love melodies of life, and all the different uses of the "the place I'll return to someday". e.g. Ipsens castle. I also love Beatrix's theme "Rose of May".

    Characters: Since I'm really retro, I've always said the I has the best characters, I know, they have barely any story lines, but I love the simplicity of it, I also think I is an extremely underrated RPG. MY party is usually Fighter, Thief, Red Mage and Black Mage (Red Mage being the favourite)

    Badguy: I also have to agree with Irvine Valentine on my list, Sephiroth would be nowhere, except the the bottom... with Seymour. I've never truly been able to decide on this topic, I've always been stuck between Kekfa and Kuja, they have this originality to them that no one can match. 50% of the reason I like Kekfa is his theme, and laugh, they are both pure brilliance. I like Kuja simply for his calm and collectedness, plus he probably looks the coolest, so there you have it... I never been able to decide.. maybe future Final Fantasy hold surprises for a new and even more supreme Villain.

    Battle System: Absolutely without a doubt, VIII. I love drawing magic, and the Junction system? By far the most original, and best system in maybe any RPG. I never used magic in VIII, I always kept a 100 of a certain magic for Junctioning. Thats pretty much all there is to say on that, I guess. I also with give VII a little credit here, I liked its simplicity, and Materia.

    Storyline: The killer question. The only story lines I don't like are II, V, and X-2 (X-2 being the worst). I think I'll have to settle for IX again, since it is my favourite game, I've always loved its storyline, I liked the idea of the three kingdoms.

    Ending: I would say... VIII. I love "Eyes on Me" playing, in fact the ending music it great all through. I also loved the scene with Laguna and Raine re-united. Seifer at FH is pure awesome, enough said. All in all, the ending really couldn't have turned out better, just a shame they didn't start showing close up kisses until X.

    But it was only a fantasy, the wall was too high as you can see,

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  5. #125
    Favorite Music: I would have to say my favorite music was in 10 and 7. They were great. I do like some in final fantasy 9 but not as much in the others. Aries theme I think is great.

    Favorite Characters: Overall I thought Final Fantasy7 had the coolest most interesting characters. They all went back and kinda showed their past and why they were doing what they were doing present time.

    FF Character: My overall favorite character is probley in 7 and 9 its between Cloud and Red(nanaki). Or its Vivi I cant really choose I love them all.

    Battle System: I like FFX battle system cause you attack by turn not time and you can think without have the enemy attack you before you decide. In the past I for some reason may not be paying attention and get killed.

    Favorite Villian: My favorite villian is probley Kuja or Sephiroth. There power and strength is crazy. And the silver dragon kuga rides is sweet. And Septhiroth rides the planet which is pretty cool.

    Favorite Storyline: My favorite storyline would have to be 7 or 10. I liked 10 because its a little emotional,not that im real emotional, but its just great and 7 has just a real interesting storyline.

    favorite ending: My favorite ending is 10 becasue unfortunately its the only one I have actually beatin. Im trying to beat the others now.
    You just don't get it. There isn't a thing I don't cherish!
    FF3 Friend Code

  6. #126
    *I note that unlike some people in this discussion i have played every game in the series (besides III which hasn't been released stateside yet)

    My favorite music was in FF VI. This is the first time we saw themes for individual characters, and so many characters, we got got great variey of themes. Terra's theme (overworld music in World of Balance) in my opinion is the greatest song from any Final Fantasy game.

    Characters, I would have to go yet again with FF VI. Not only did it have a large cast of characters, but they all (besides the secret characters) were extremely developed.

    My favorite character is Kain from FF IV. He was one of the first dark and mysterious characters in the series. Was he a friend or foe? Though he and Cecil grew up as brothers ,he was always jealous of Cecil and this ultimately led to betrayal (Cain and Abel anyone?). At the end we see Kain finally seeking redemption for his actions..notable mentions: Celes, Vivi, Locke, Auron

    My favorite battle system was probably Tactics. I love strategy RPGs and FF Tactics is def top notch with it's job system. If i had to choose a game in the direct Final Fantasy series I would say IV. I say this because it was the last final fantasy that really had emphasis on the character's class and didn't allow you customize the characters like crazy so that healers were as strong as your fighters.

    My favorite villain was hands down Kefka. Whoever says Sepiroth is crazy. And for whoever said Kefka is "pure evil" and that he has no reasons is completely wrong. Kefka was really the first villain who had reasons behind his actions. He was the first general of the empire to volunteer for magic fusion and the proccess was flawed causing him to go insane. Plus Kefka succeeded where Sepiroth (and other rpg villains) failed: he destroyed the world and became it's ruler. Kuja from IX is my second..

    My favorite storyline is FF VI's. This was truely one of the more cliche free rpg storyline's which i liked. Though IV, VII and X were all great stories too.

    Ending? I would say either IV, IX or maybe X?
    Last edited by Georg Prime; 10-01-2006 at 03:26 PM.

  7. #127
    ff7 had the best boss music and also had the best grapics... dispite the grapics not being very good they did suit the game better that having realy good grapics... well that is what i think.. that is the overall best game better than the rest... hahahah... yay

  8. #128
    Which FF had your Favorite Music?

    Final Fantasy 9 has my favourite music out of the whole series, i have learnt almost all FF9 music on piano, favourite pice of music from FF9 was the dark messenger, the electric guitar and the violins went very well to make kuja seem more powerful (even though in fact he wasnt )

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?

    Final Fantasy 7 had my favourite characters overall, the characters in FF7 had more background story than any other game, FF7 seemed more like a novel of sorts, which is why they have made a compendium of games around the FF7 story line.

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?

    FF7, Reno, simply because of his laid back attitude, and his dress sense, now thats style. he was my favourite turk asside from vincent.

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?

    Final Fantasy X had my favourite battle system, the turnbased battle system made it easier to successfully plan out a controlled set of attacks, and prepare yourself for the worst.

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?

    Final Fantasy 7, everytime the sephiroth theme started i got shivers, especially the first time you see sephiroth descend into madness, "i am going to go to mother" <sephiroth theme> last order story continues to reactor </sephiroth theme> it was beautiful.

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?

    Final Fantasy VII has the best story line, it reaches way back into the past, and brings it into the present so gracefully. most final fantasy games to date have just been a one line story, but final fantasy 7 reached further, in a way that made you get into the story of these fictional characters, once again, like a great novel

    Which FF had your Favorite Ending?

    i dont like endings, endings mean its the end, so i will have to say FFVII, mainly because it is still going ^_^
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  9. #129
    You Spoony Bard
    Favorite music? Ohh...toughie >.< Prolly VIII. Although my favorite tracks were in other FFs, FFVIII had the best soundtrack overall. There was not a track I disliked. Each town theme, dungeon theme, battle theme, etc. suited the mood very well. Not to mention I'm very fond of the opening theme.

    My favorite characters belonged to VI, most definitely. 14 of them, and they were all lovable. Such diverse personalities, yet they all had their own moments of happiness, sadness, and laughter. I nearly choked before the final battle with Kefka, when they all stated why they still wanted to live T^T

    Faris from V is probably my favorite character. Not a very deep character in the slightest, but she still rocked. Brave, smart, .......pretty? :x Wut. Did I just say that?

    My favorite battle system is from XI. I love the emphasis on strategy and teamwork. Promyvion-Holla? Funnest battle EVER. Even the other types of fighting is fun as hell. Beseiged just...wins for being a massive battle with over 200 participants. Even then, the teamwork is still there, as everyone will communicate through /shouts on which NMs to kill and which generals to help. The /randoms at the end? Classic.

    FFVI's Kefka is definitely my favorite villain. Just because he was not your typical villain. I mean, dude. He's an insane clown. His lines are absolutely hysterical. Him being the game's comic relief AND main villain is absolutely precious. All that just adds to the sheer awesomeness of him conquering the world and becoming a god.

    My favorite storyline in an FF belongs to....X. I thought it was very well thought out and twisty. In addition to being a nifty allegory.

    Once again, X wins for having a great ending as well. I'm typically disappointed with the way Final Fantasies end. It's always, "Yay we saved teh wurld :D!" X, on the other was more "Yay we saved teh wurld :D! ...But at a cost :<"

  10. #130
    Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version] Ashelia20's Avatar
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    My Favorites

    My favorite music is in VI

    my favorite cast of characters is VI

    my favorite character is Aerith from VII I cried so much when she died it made me not want to play anymore but i did and i'm glad that i did.

    my favorite battle system is in XII it makes me want to fight now usually I would have weak characters because I would run from a lot of battles the just got boring after a while.

    my favorite villian is Kefka he was so evil I bet if you had a championship match with all the villian from all the games Kefka would come out on top.

    My favorite story was VII but VIII isn't far behind it

    And my favorite ending was IX it was very happy, but the scene of Zell gorgeing himself in hotdogs from VIII was hilarious I almost wet myself.
    Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?

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  11. #131
    Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version]
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    Favorite music- final fantasy vii, although 8 is a close second.. VII though is just so near perfect for what it is trying to imply.. the ShinRa theme, Aeris theme, an d i loved the battle themes..I could go on and on on this soundtrack

    Cast of characters- I really dont know right now.. i am always changing my mind on this...

    Favorite Character-same thing applies here, usually varying between Auron, Cloud, or Cid

    Battle System- VIII, although i have not gotten into XII yet...I enjoyed the drawing of magic and junctioning it to a whole bunch of different attributes, i beleive it added a whole new depth to the game and much more strategy than earlier..

    Favorite villian- this is a hard one, three way tie, sephiroth, ultimecia and sin/jecht.. Sephiroth was just so manipulative and smart to use whatever he needed to acheive his goal. Ultimecia accomplished her goal although for a very short time, and much like sephiroth maniupulated many to acheive it. And Sin/jecht had a great story behind them, yevon and tidus.

    Favorite Story- VII and then VIII, the only reason VII gets the edge is because of all the back stories to every character had a purpose..

    Favorite Ending-X, hands down for me.. maybe it was the voice or the fact that it did tie up a lot of loose ends, yevon was done( or i thought at the time) tidus was gone, sin defeated, etc.etc.

  12. #132
    Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version] omega destroyer's Avatar
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    Favorite music- Tough.... but I'd have to say FF VI, because it had the best mix of themes ranging from happy, to gloomy, to down-right spooky. And it was all put together with classic FF themes. In my opinion it kind of is the blending point of the early and late final fantasies. FF X is a close second just because the Zanarkand theme is soo cool.

    Favorite cast of Characters- Wow this is the tough one.....hmmmm......If I were to rate this on how attached I became withe them I would go with final fantasy VI as well. Everyone in the game seemed to have a purpose (excluding some like Gogo) but thats besides the point. Everyone just kind of drew me in to the on going story, and everyone had their part. Although if you were to ask me my favorite SINGLE character I would pick another game but since this one had an entire cast of great characters it beats all.

    Favorite Character- This one for me is easy. My favorite character is Cloud! I just think he was the best lead character of all the final fantasies, and yes he is cooler than Auron.

    Fav. Battle system- tell you the truth I think Final fantasy XII is really good. Sure many critisize it as not truly ff type battles and sure it is different but I think the inginuity of it alone deserves recognition. But my favorite is the classic FFI battle system.

    Fav. Villain- Yet another easy one. FFVI. Kefka is just so sadistic and insane that he is easilly the best ff villain. I mean he turns into a god for cryin' out loud and destroys the world which gives you that much more incentive to beat him.

    Fav. Story- Well this one (no surprise) goes to FF VI. It is just so compelling and was the first FF to really play with my emotions. With an insidious villain and great characters it really pulls together well.

    Fav. Ending- Close but I think that final fantasy X has the best ending. You just defeated a corrupt villain and brought an end to the seemingly endless tyrany of Sin.

  13. #133
    Banned Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version] Simply"Kit"'s Avatar
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    Lightbulb ***absolution!!!***

    *well heres a brain twister for me,frankly i love all the final fantasy seires but perhaps we can weigh mine choices for your so called intellectual version of the final fantasy series.alrighty then lets rock and roll!

    *Favorite final fantasy music

    which music?a final fantasy seires has tons of music to choose from.well lets see ive always liked the music of final fantasy VII,especially the victory song and the battle had to be remade from the original but the essesnce of final fantasy music wasnt lost!and i like the part where aeries dies and this angelic musical play starts to envelop the nearly squeezed a tear out of my eye boo hoo

    *Favorite Cast of Characters

    wow this is one of those stunner questions,i had to weigh final fantasy VII and VII characters,i really like id have to choose the cast of Final fantasy VII,because i recently saw the advent of children movie and their team work rocks like hell!and all of them possesing their unique traits and all would be the same as all of the characters of the series but this cast seems to have more spunk and a different aura thats emitting from them.thats just about it i guess...

    *Favorite Character

    I would definately go far off from this one,now i am a retro player and most of the final fantasy games weve played had to choose from Cloud,Squall,Zidane or Tidus,it because they are the lead characters or the heroes of the series but with me il go all the way back from the start where my character represents all the future final fantasy heroes of today,my favorite character is the Fighter in final fantasy-I,why?i guess its an obssesion,the image of a strong and brave warrior sticks with me,and whenever i play another game that lets me choose a class,my first choice would always be a warrior type of battle type,thus is represented by the fighter in finla the first series he didnt have any dialogs,no special traits to identify him and it had poor graphics but the spirit of a warrior lives within all of the heroes of today!

    *Favorite Battle System

    What?all of their battle systems are the same?well exept for XII,but its the same turn based system right.well i guess id choose final fantasy 1 up to X-2 on this one,simply because the system is the same,speed is required for the fastest turn,strength for damage,vitality for defense,endurance and hit point increase and etc for the stat system.the battles are all amazing,creating methods for strategical turns and moves which will have a great effect in the outcome of the battle.

    *Favorite Villain

    This one i definately choose Sepiroth immediately without any question what so ever!its because hes the baddest,coolest villain in the history of gaming!if i were the boss id have him kill cloud in the advent of children movie,well thats for another thread.he definately is my favorite,he was once a loyal and the strongest soldier but turned evil because the damn doctors of the shinra corp maipulated the ancient genes to create the ultimate go with Sepiroth on this one and agree that all those scum bags deserve to die because of their greed for power and lack of human consideration!maybe if he turned good back then and realized not to destroy the world hed be my favorite character of all that there is be it anime or gaming!

    *Favorite Story

    Mine would have to be the tragic story of an X-soldier and the ultimate soldier gone rogue,Final Fantasy VII,of all the series ive played i never wanted to play a game again just for the sake of understanding the story even more,normally id just play for fun and to acquire secret items or weapons but this series really had a good pack of work when it comes to fantasy and reality mix!

    *Favorite Ending

    My favorite ending would have to be in Final fantasy VIII,seeing as all hell came loose and then everything became normal again after our heroes vanquished the evil ultimecia.its the same ending as in the other games but the end scene really had an impact to me that made me feel i was part of the victory,like it was also my battle.and i saw all the characters having fun at the end,seeing Seifer,Raijin and Fujin fishing gave my the idea of importance towards i am corny!hehehe

    *Favorite Creature

    Hah now heres somtheing new i just added this to pay tribute to the creatures in final fantasy that made the game more interesting to play.i choose between the Chocobo and Mog but i strongly have a connection with the Chocobo,even though Mog is the smarter and more interactive creature.Chocobo represents a loyal friend,a dog in reality,hes a type of creature that will be by your side and will fight for you and would even give his life for you,thats my assesment of the Chocobo!i love this bird!hahaha

    *Favorite Monster

    In all the final fantasy series i have gathered a mob of monsters to choose from and decipher their traits,since there are so many and some even wont be recovered from your lexicon,i just come up with a monster that ive seen and rememberd in my fianl fantasy gaming.and i have to say,when i hear the word monster he immediately registers to my mind,i really love prehistoric creatures thats why i choose T-Rexsaur from final fantasy VIII,hes not the strongest,hes not the smartest but hes a bad ass dino since final fantasy-1 that will give low level characters the willies!haha

    *hmmm i thik thats all

    ***HALLER BACK!!!***

  14. #134
    Which FF had your Favorite Music?: Ten all the way. Uematsu went all out, and the music sounded the most realistic (meaning less video game-y) than all the other final fantasies. 12's music was "real" but I didn't like it very much. Probably because Uematsu didn't do it :[ I also liked how in FFX, you could buy music spheres and access all of the music. That ups it's score as well.

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?: Seven, their stories were much more interwoven than any other final fantasy IMO. They had more flaws and more depth than any of the other characters in any other FF. I loved the relationship between Tifa, and Cloud, and their friendship with Barret. I also liked Red XIII's story, and Vincent's as well. Yuffie was my favorite, but because of her personality, not so much her story. And Cait Sith, well, he was useless...but he doesn't take away from the game because he's basically non-exsistent to me.

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?: Ten, with Rikku! Love her. First off, she had a bubbly personality similar to mine, and I love her hair. I can't say that I liked her moves or her attack power or anything, until I leveled her up. She quickly became my best character, which made me like her even more. I also liked her voice, and I thought she was the prettiest of all the characters in X...besides maybe Lulu. I can't say that I liked her for her story or anything like that, except that she was the misfit of the group and therefore wasn't trusted right away.

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System? X, again. The sphere grid was genious. They didn't have "levels", which made it both easier and harder to level up your characters. I also liked the gradual build up, and also the fact that you could learn everyone else's moves and completely max out your character. Also, the attacking was easier and more organized than in any other game. I also liked the way the aeons acted more like party member, with the different attacking options and what have you, that was an interesting idea which I liked. It was neat being able to battle with only your aeons for a while, with their own hp and everything. Finally, the limit breaks (or whatever they were called, I call them all limits) where all unique and different in the way you had to execute them.

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it? Hmm, this is hard. Probably VIII, and I disliked that game for the most part. Basically, my favorite "villian"-Edea, is the main reason I played it...even though technically she's not so evil. She was completely bad@$$, and she looked pretty wicked too. I also liked the way her story wove in with the other characters, making her almost equal to them in a sense. She was also pretty tough to beat when I fought her @_@

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline? Probably IX. I liked the renaissance style it had, and I think that the setting contributed and enhanced the story a lot. The whole thing with Zidane was unexpected, and even though there are obvious similarities to him and Kuja I was still taken aback. I also liked learning Garnet's secret, and finding out how evil Queen Brahme really was. It was also sad when Freya's home was destoyed. I think the whole story was very magical and surreal, as are all the others, but I like that this one wasn't so modern...and the graphics in the game really helped to create a nice effect that the games on the SNES with a similar time period really didn't achieve for me.

    Which FF had your Favorite Ending? Probably...X again. It was very sad. I don't want to go into detail since it would be major spoilers, but it was unexpected and I even wanted to cry...maybe I did. I was 14 so this was a few years ago, I was younger so it's not quite as pathetic ^_^ I also liked how it was a cliffhanger at the end...dun dun dun. I never did get into FFX2 though, to find out what really happened...I think I lost my game
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  15. #135
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    My Favorite Music was from Final Fantasy VII Dirge of Cerberus. Mainly thanks to the inclusion of a couple of songs by Gackt, they have the volume, the feel and an insane beat to boot. And Cait Sith's theme cracked me up a little during the game for some odd reason.

    I believe my favorite FF cast was that of FFVI. Kefka cracked me up, cyan cracked me up, fighting as a bunch of moogles cracked me up. And the characters I didn't find so funny such as Locke or Sabin had interesting things they did too.

    My favorite character from all FFs would probably be Reno. Sure he isn't really in the spotlight, he was never a main character, but something about him has always appealed to me. The fact that he can be psychotic yet controlled, and the messed up attitude and uniform from Advent Children (compared to Rude's at least) have made him a firm favourite of mine.

    My favorite battle system was that of FFVIII. I loved the Junction system and all the cool things you could tinker with, hell me and my mates had pimp my party competitions, where we spent ages junctioning our maxed out characters to see who could do the most damage to, or last the longest acting stupid against ultimecia. The only downside being that when you got a firm grasp of the concepts, the battles became almost too easy.

    My favourite villain was Kefka of FFVI. He had what future villains lacked. An insanely bad sense of humour and a lacking of brains. The funniest villain ever. He also dressed sortta funny which added to his less than typical big evil bad guy image.He was one of the things which made my love of Final Fantasy grow as big as it did.

    Storywise, probably FFVII. It was moving. It had shite graphics, yet it was moving. The bit were that Sephiroth killed Aeris, is still rooted in my mind, despite the fact it's been about half a decade since I last played FFVII. It brought tears to my usually way past dry eyes.

    I felt the best ending was that of FFVIII. It was happy, and even Seifer and his gang looked like they'd be happy in the end, except possibly Raigin who looked a little wet... All the characters looked like they'd make it except Ultimecia, but then again, it's a bit hard to make it when you're dead...
    victoria aut mors

  16. #136
    Music--FFVII-- I fell in love with Aerith's Theme the moment I heard it... it was really a pretty simple song, but, for some reason, it has me nearly in tears everytime. The Ending Theme caused nearly the same emotion, and I thought it was a great "summing-up" piece. One Winged Angel was so powerful and actually a bit frightening, and easily was the best villain theme.

    Characters -- FFX -- They had a great variety of personalities, and the upgrade to PS2 hardware brought it out. Tidus was pretty whiny, but in the end became a good leader. Auron was very mysterious, but showed real devotion to fulfilling his promises. Wakka was just a really big kid, but had a heart of gold. Lulu used harshness to mask her vulnerability (I think). Yuna was trying to follow her fathers footsteps, but proved she could become a legend on her own. Kimahri was the ideal knight... fearless, devoted and very strong. Then there's Rikku... a sneaky little girl that always keeps you guessing. Most of the other games seemed to have pretty generic characters... the hero, the confused one, the girlfriend. FFX really brought charcter into the characters.

    Favorite Character -- Balthier from FFXII -- I know it's a little weird when you compare this to the answer above, but overall, Balthier is who I'd like to be. He's witty, charming, and come on, everyone loves a pirate He's kind of like Han Solo from an aristocratic background. I'll freely admit, I have not finished FFXII, so I don't know if my feelings will change or not. For now, though, Balthier is it.

    Battle System -- FFXII -- I chose FFXII for the simple reason of how different it is from all the others I've played. I absolutely love that you can see the enemies onscreen and can choose to fight or not. The gambit system also allows for a great reduction in the time that you spend micro-managing your party. Set up your gambits, and you can pretty much focus on one character while your others will take care of themselves.

    Villain -- Garland/Chaos from FFI -- This one is not easy to decide on. I think it's pretty neat that the first boss you fight in the game is really the last boss as well. You kind of get the same thing with Seymour in X, in that you fight him in different forms. But Garland is different. His first form, lets face it, is a complete pushover. He's dead, so we go on with the adventure. And then, we go 2000 years back in time, and who do we find? Garland! Only this time he morphs into the big ugly critter called Chaos. It was great fun the first tiem I played the game, and I like the concept still.

    Story -- FFX -- I like that this has, essentially, a two-fold story. On one hand, you have the boy looking for his father. On the other, the girl that wants to save her world from a thousand years of suffering. Very separate stories, but their paths flow together. But, the one story aspect that I loved the most, was that Tidus was a dream. That all the people of the Zanarkand that he knew, were dreams. Very unique, and touching.

    Ending -- FFX -- But it's a really hard choice. I've stated above that I love the ending of both FFI and FFX. I also love the ending to FFVII, but that's moreso for the music. Overall, it's got to be FFX. The world is saved from the recurring nightmare that is Sin... forever. Tidus overcomes his immaturity and successfully frees his father from Sin. And then there's Yuna's speech at the very end... "they're not truly gone, as long as we remember them." I may not have phrased it exactly as she says it, but what a statement of comfort to anyone who has lost a loved one. Ironically, I beat FFX about a week after my grandfather died. My dad and I shared a good cry after that... and we still talk about it to this day.
    "I'm not alone. Not anymore." -- Cloud Strife, FF7: Advent Children
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  17. #137
    Registered User Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version] Skywalker's Avatar
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    Schelle--> Antwerpe
    Music--> FFX with Suteki da ne was so beautifull with the violin solo's
    and then the piano thing Road to Zanderkand an more music of X
    there was something different with the music it wass really epic
    but eyes on me,melodies of life and kiss me goodbye are great to

    characters--> FFX-2 those 3 ladys where really a good team
    and thats the only FF where I liked all the main characters
    Rikkus go lucky nature
    Yuna still a bit silent
    And Pain dark and sacastic

    Favorite Character--> I don't know hmmmmmm there is
    Yuffie,Selphie,Zidane and Rikku happy go lucky characters
    Rinoa was the 1st leading lady I liked not for her happy character but because she was serious to
    Balthier for he reminds me of Han solo
    Ashe because she was the second femal character I liked not because she was all happy and ditzy and stuff. And yes she could be more kinder to some of the party members she really has a good and nobel heart but its just not in your face that heart of her
    Basch he is so sweet even after the setup,2 years in prison,A slap in the face and some looks from Vaan and Ashe that could kill someone
    he still is loyal to Ashe now that people is undying---unconditional loyalty and devotion

    Battle System FFXII it was new it was fresh
    and with the perfect gambits set is was kick ass time

    Villain--Gabranth (he is hot) he reminds me of Anakin fallan from grace
    and I think it would be hard for a knight/soldier wtf he was
    to fail to protect your homeland and then to lose your brother
    but Sephriot is a close second

    Story--All FF are great in story some are better than other
    but I think I hve to go with X, XII there is just something with those 3 I can't type was it I played for the story's or the characters maybe because the game had a voice and we could hear emostions

    ending--hmmmm VIII was nice with the camera and you see Squall smile
    IX was nice too with Dagger and Zidane
    but X was the best with the speeche of yuna
    Last edited by Skywalker; 04-27-2007 at 04:27 PM.
    I can imagine Quite a bit
    Being a scruffy looking nerf herder and sky pirate
    I'm damn proud of it hell yeah

    Loyal to
    Mon captaine-->Aiselne
    and to her crew

  18. #138
    That One Guy Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version] dimmufan's Avatar
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    I think all the Final Fantasies are great in respect for what each game brings to the series. But if they had to be broken down, then here goes:

    Best Music: I liked the music from FF9. Seems to always get stuck in my head.

    Best Characters: I like the characters from FFX because they were so versatile. You could have a caster who was a thief that could one-shot any enemy in it's path with a standard attack.

    Fav Character: My favorite character would have to be Zidane from FF9. He was so witty and funny and a bit of a playboy. Plus all the abilities he could equip just made him a total powerhouse.

    Battle System: The best battle system would have to be in FFXII because you could switch anybody in at anytime (so long as they weren't being targeted) and even if somebody wasn't in the battle they still got credit for being a part of the team (license points). Plus a hurt character could just sit back and do long range damage or heal without too much worry of being attacked.

    Fav Villain: Sephiroth from FFVII. This dude is a no-holds-barred get-of-my-way-or-Ima-gonna-kill-you kind of guy. He's so powerful it's like there's no stopping him. Plus I've always wondered what shampoo he uses.

    Fav Storyline: I like the story line from FF9. I especially like the CG when Zidane comes to rescue Princess Garnet from Alexandria Castle when right when it's crumbling to pieces. When she realizes what just happened she gives him the most thankful and loving hug. I keep a separate save file just so I can go back and watch it from time to time.

    Fav Ending: I'm not too good on remembering endings so I really can't give an opinion.

    Overall: Overall I probably would have to say FF9. I liked the setting. I liked the idea of equipping auto abilities. I also liked Tetra Master (the refined version of FF8). I liked the story line. Not to mention the excellent replay value. Yep, this is the best one.

  19. #139
    Hello this is my first post here on this forum
    Getting started with ur questions directly

    Which FF had your Favorite Music?
    I like some scores frome different games in the series and I can't make my mind on a single FF game
    Let's see.. Boss battle in ff6 and ff9 was really cool
    The intro of FF9
    Melodies of life of course was great
    Sephiroth theme in FF7
    Kefka's Theme in FF6
    Ultimicia's Castle theme in FF8
    In overall I believe the best music in general was FF6's music since the other games relayed also on good 3d graphics but this game succeeded in bringing attention with its music alone

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?
    why? Many characters and you can't pick one character that is more important or call him the main character. Unlike the other games in the series where there is always a main character that is the core of the whole story

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?
    Talking about a single character I liked Squall
    Calm,deep, cool, strong and a good leader. Not superficial like Zidane or so depressant like Cloud.

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?
    FF7 had the best tactics with using its Materia. Using All materia, Enemy Skill and other various materia that could be given to all characters plus the limit attaks which appeared for the 1st time in the series that strong and they gave each character a special style.

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?
    FF7 Sephiroth
    The strongest and the deepest .His past is very interesting knowing that he was a good guy in the past. Plus he was always showing up in the game from its early parts unlike Ultimicia in FF8 who appeared very late in the game or Edea who was not a real enemy after all!

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?
    With no question FF7
    the other games had superficial storylines like FF6 or FF9 and the others had good storylines like FF8 but they become suddenly so boring before the ending sequences. In FF8 disc 3 was very short. After knowing Ultimicia's goal nothing surprising happened and the whole story was about : Recover Rinoa and defeat the evil Ultimicia.
    Unlike FF7 which had too many surprising events after Aeries' death until its end.

    Which FF had your Favorite Ending?

    To end from where the story has started
    Watching Ultimicia possessing Edea in the orphange house and seeing Squall the child asking about Ellone to start the story over again and again makes a good theme with me. I like this kind of stories talking about how possible is it to manipulate the past or the future and when the characters believe they did they only realize that they played a major role in keeping what they thought they were changing.

    Thank you

  20. #140
    Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version] Jikuu's Avatar
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    I'm going to admit that my votes will be skewed, as I stopped playing FF after 9, because I disliked it so much.

    Which FF had your Favorite Music?
    I recall the music most fondly from FF6. I learned to play Forever Rachel and Aria de Mezzo Carraterre on the piano because I liked them so much. Good stuff.

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?

    Final Fantasy 5 had my favorite characters. It was only five, so they got a decent chunk of the spotlight. Faris is my favorite for all the storyline twists, and I feel much more for Galuf than I ever did for Aeris (although I knew her fate two years before I would play it).

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?
    My favorite character is Cid Highwind from FF7. I loved the idea of a dirty pilot with goggles, a cigarette, and a spear. With his last name and other dragoony aspects of him, I really enjoyed the hinted-at lineage with Kain Highwind of FF4. He had a good amount of modern and magic in him.

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?
    I'm going to go off the numbered series and say Tactics. Nothing beats a good, 5 minute a battle turn-based strategy RPG. There is a lot more variety in a system like that than the stand in line and hit variant. The random battles were the best because your level might change the equipment on the humans, so you may want to Invite or Steal to gain their items. Poaching also was a curious thing there too.

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?
    Kefka from FF6 is my favorite. I was getting sick of the dark, take over the world villain. He was brightly colored and just plain psychotic. I liked his style, or lack thereof. Much better than Sephiroth and his bishie mommy issues. =P

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?
    Final Fantasy Tactics is my favorite storyline, because it balances the typical hero adventuring stuff with the political intrigue. It never got too heavy on either side. I only wish that one didn't have to play it three times to read it all and understand everything that's going on.

    Which FF had your Favorite Ending?

    I think my favorite is FF4 because it's the happiest. Cecil gets Rosa, and everyone's *gasp* alive at the end! Except for Tellah, but y'know, he was an old geezer. It was his time. =P I don't think it had the best developed storyline, but it's better than the world showing severe damage or magic just plain out fading from the world.

    Overall, even though my answers are everywhere, my favorite FF overall is FFT. I enjoy the Job System and battle system way too much for little things like wacky translation to stand in the way.

  21. #141
    Synthesized Ascension Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version] Zardoch's Avatar
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    Which FF had your Favorite Music?
    1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. I don't have to explain WHICH FF had my favorite music because there's something from ALL of them I loved. This question is ridiculous to try and answer. Nobou is just that much of a badass.

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?
    I think I'd have to go with FF Tactics. There were so many characters you loved and so many characters you hated, it was perfect. To me, there was just more depth with the characters of Tactics than any other final fantasy whom were a lot more interesting than some loner.

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?
    As much as I don't like it, I liked FFX because of Auron. He reminded me of the old chambara samurai like Toshiro Mifune or Zatoichi with his badass sword, skills, and personality. He was the only REAL character in it that wasn't a walking cliche, that and he had a cool voice.

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?
    I'd have to go with FFIX. It mixed the old school feel, typical turn-based style, and added everything you loved about the older FF battle systems. With weapons, armor, and items giving you certain abilities you could equip or unequip, it made things quite interesting in creating certain builds and was easy enough to attain. The summons helped too. The only real flaw was the trance system, which while it was powerful, it was hard to control it whenever you wanted, particularly for boss battles when you needed it the most. I guess, however, that made it interesting because instead of jumping into a boss battle where you're almost in trance, it forces you to use what you have to do the job. The challenge of that was great.

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?
    I've long since moved away from the walking cliche with a huge fanbase, Sephiroth. Honestly, he's pathetic and really has no purpose. I didn't feel anything for him, no love or hate. If there was any villain who could get a rise out of me AND do his job, it was Kefka. He successfully ****ed the world up and never stopped acting like a cruel son of a bitch. THAT is what a villain should be, though I think he should have been a bit more clever rather than the typical mustache-wearing bad guy who puts the hero's lover on the train tracks. Sephiroth was a big baby, Ultmecia was boring, Kuja was too pretty, and Seymour was a repeat of a big baby.

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?
    Tough choice, but if I had to pick one and ONLY one, it'd be FFIX. Yes, it's obvious and predictable, but the characters were interesting and so was their development. FFIX did what FFVII couldn't, make the main character less f-ing emo. While Zidane had a bad past and ended up being a clone, at least he was an INTERESTING clone whilst Cloud was just annoying and cliche up the ass. FFIX just did everything right for once to make for one satisfying...

    Which FF had your Favorite Ending?

    Indeed, I have chosen FFIX's ending. It was foreseen to be happy and joyful, but this was a good thing. With Vivi and his nine kids, of course it'd be a great ending. The strange thing is I hate happy endings and ever-after bullshit, but FFIX did it right after playing through this game. It was fun and the ending gave a sense of finishedness.

  22. #142
    Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version] Secret Weapon's Avatar
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    1: Out of the fact that FF7 was the 1st playstation game I played, it's hands down. I fell in love with it thereafter. The music actually stoppped me from fading in & out the game. It made me feel like I was in the battle with them; commanding them.Squaresoft put a lot of heart into the orchestra. Excellent job!

    2: With characters overall, I would have to say VIII, duh VII! Cloud was cold from start to finish. Barret too. I bet it would be hard for him to get a license for that gun. I don't care what anybody says, aeris is a very enjoyable character. She gave her life for the planet! Where's the APPRECIATION?

    3:Cloud Strife 4life. Me and him can relate in so many ways. How he pieces back his life left me stupamazed (stuapfied + amazed)that he wasn't crushed under his own emotions and lived to fight on. He showed that lying to yourself and going by that will not only lose your identity but who you are. Thanks Cloud.

    4: Who else's? Fianl Fantasy 7 made it how it would actually be. They make you fight to learn your magic not just learning them. Limit Breaks,gold and black chocobos,command,support,independent,and summon materias? What more do I have to explain?

    5: The best villan to me was VII's Sephiroth. Even before the start of the game, Cloud and Tifa have grown to loathe him. His power goes beyond comprehension(even in Cloud's flashback 0 damge from physical and magic attacks at lv. 50?). Further in the game, his history is unraveled, yet his is still a mystery to me. Also when I got to the crystilline city and having to watch aeris die without helping made me hate him cause he flew off,making me fight one of those dam jenova's again. Not to mention the musamune blade and his outfit. Best villan cause he made ME HATE him.

    6: The best storyline setting the rest after is and will always be VII's. It had the best climax. It KEPT you from getting tired of it and even gave you more of challenge after you beat Ultima Weapon. Not to mention all the mini games and chocobo racing. FF7 the best story hands down.

    7: The best ending was the very first FF on the Nintendo. Who knew that garland, the knight that protected everyone would be the earth's downfall(irony!)? Well, when the story ends they show the aftermath of the source of the evil being vanquished. The Light Warriors rest and hope the next destined warriors will prepare to yet again face evil in combat...

    The best FF Is VII hands down. Play It or replay it and you 'll see what I see in it.

    -...I guess this is the start of our journey.-

  23. #143
    Quote Originally Posted by dr_squall View Post

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?
    Talking about a single character I liked Squall
    Calm,deep, cool, strong and a good leader. Not superficial like Zidane or so depressant like Cloud.
    It's unusual for someone to reply to himself again...but after playing FFVII CC I must say that Zack is the best character in all the FF games I ever played.
    When you play that game you will understand what I mean.
    Last edited by dr_squall; 05-16-2008 at 09:47 AM.

  24. #144
    The World's Enemy Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version] Rob17's Avatar
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    My favorite Final Fantasy?

    In all catagories id hav to say that i like all of the series, everything about it just captivates your imagination, the amazing story, visuals, especially the characters and especially the music.

    My favorite pick is going back to the gaming era of FF.
    Final Fantasy VI

    The game in whole meets/greets and raises my expectations of what i thought excellent and true gaming should feel like, the greatest thing about it was the way it pulled me straight into the whole story literally dropping me on my head into a broken up and depressive world ruled by dictatorship and greed.

    The grand scale of the game is its greatest secret, im of the opinion the for most of the game it is a regular FF game, kill monsters gain exp, gain magic, buy weapons advance the plot, the story to me at first made so much sense that i wanted to play on but not enough that i felt like i was gaining headway, not that i was confused by it but that i ddnt know where it was leading, wich allured me even further into the plot, until i reacher the flying continet, about halfwayish, id say, i fought atma/ultima weapon, carried on til i found Kefka who by this time was an unimportant character, as i thought that the real target was the emperor, up until the point that Kefka beat him and tossed him off the side, i was stunned and confused, then he set about destroying the world, at that point everything clicked into place and the game changed rapidly and u-turned, watching the world burn and die for me the focus shifted and i understood the true nature of the game and from then on all the way to the three tiers i started remembering little quotes and character traits, this made me understand that this was a story of the end of the world and a quest to defeat the evilest of corruptors and to this day the best villain of FF period.

    Imo this is an epic Final Fantasy story that has never bin topped.

    My favorite music from the this game is Dancing Mad, The fierce battle/battle to the death and the magitech empire (intro), i liked these perticular osts because they gave the game a feel of dark and brooding roots that arnt fully touched on til later on in the game, with the exception of Dancing Mad (all tiers), but especially the last tier before Kefka and Kefka, the whole theme though gave it that titanic world splitting feel that made it seem as though you were fighting literally to the death and for the sake of the entire world, this has been emulated well in FF 8 against Ultimecia IMO.

    Favorite villain is Kefka obv, for the reason that he is without a doubt a true villain, psychopathic, sadistic, comical, generally i tend to find that he is well more padded out than most endgame bosses because there is so much backstory to him and that he is feared throught the world for being nothing less than true evil.
    However the way that he became this ausomely and renoundly feared and hated in game character and hated by gamers worldwide has to be respected as he is the only FF villain to truely succed in his plans.

    Favorite ending is FF X because (this will be short) its a tragic love story, wich appealed to me because it was so moving.

    My favorite battle system was FF V, just because it was a highly adaptable, customisation system, i do like the stat building of FF VI and the abillities and special moves system of FF IX but they were a bit rigid for me tbh.

    Favorite character of the series has to be Cecil from final fantasy IV, the fact that he learned the dark power saw how it affected his behaviour and saw how 'absolute power, corupts absolutly' and then went on to become a paladin, is in real terms a powerfull journey, i respected that and admired the perticular character/plot for this reason.

    Overall characters? Im not too sure id say that the best overall characters were from Final Fantasy VI on the basis that like most things in that game were well presented and thought out they could of had more script for them in the later stages of the WOR, but then thats just how i feel...
    Last edited by Rob17; 06-02-2008 at 04:29 PM.
    Final Fantasy Dimension
    Phantom: The Tradition Destroyers very own growing website, click the link and see for yourself?

    The Final Boss Theorem:
    The size of the ultimate form of the final boss is inversely proportional to it's chances of actually beating your party. If you agree with this, please copy and paste this valuable piece of info on your sig. AND, if you're evil and villainous...never settle for a big form when a smaller form is more kickass...

    Crisis Core OST-The Summoned (Those Who Fight Further)

  25. #145
    *Note* I am going to be using the old FFs in this post(FF1-6)

    FF1 had the elemental feinds music and Chaos's music which killed.
    FF2 had the last boss music.
    FFIV had the elemental lords music which I loved.
    So many great songs from V. Exdeaths theme mactched Exdeath sooo well. Exdeaths castle teme is great too. The boss battle fight music is great.
    FFVI: Kefka and the boss battle music are really good. Kefka's matches his clown image really good.

    Overall, V

    I really didn't like the characters from 1-3 but FFIV had many good ones such as Cecil, Rydia, Tellah etc. FFV and FFVI had great characters to like Bartz and Kefka

    Overall VI

    Fav Character:
    Ummmmm.......this is a hard one. Gualf or Kefka. Gualf is just and amazing person and Kefka err...I really don't think I have to explain this one

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?
    FFVI, I loved it. It allowed EVERY player to use EVERY spell in the game. Without this in it FFV would kill VI.

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?
    Exdeath and Kefka from V,VI. There both crazy and achevied there goal. *Spoiler* Exdeath obtains the power of the void and Kefka becomes a god *Spoiler*

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?
    I, IV and V were all good but basically has the same story, Protect the crystals. Everything was revoled around them. So I would have to say VI

    Which FF had your Favorite Ending?
    Vi, made me thought whats going to happen after Terra loseses her Esper power.

  26. #146
    My Favorite Music was from Final Fantasy VII One-Winged Angel and from Final Fantasy VII AC were Tifa is figting Loz in the old church

    my favorite FF cast has to be FFVII because all the caracters are defenetly the coolest of all FF cast

    My favorite character from all FFs is most defently sephiroth, he is so cool and colected and knows the consekuense of what he does but he dosent let it stop him ore some thing like that

    My favorite battle system. cant realy tell i havent notest it wery much but mayby FFX-2

    on the 2 next cuestiones i have to quote mydako i agree too everything u have writen on the 2 Mydako

    Quote Originally Posted by Mydako View Post
    Another vote for FFVII for favorite villain. Sephiroth, calm, cool, collected, calamity, chaos, and more C's. He has a believable character, with enough background to understand him, and know where he comes from, yet lacking enough to keep him a mystery. His outfit is allow very cool. His appearence with those bright green eyes was almost misleading. His idea to destroy the world is also one of my favorites.

    The final vote is tossed to FFX. The ending movie was moving, I was never so touched by an ending. The sight of Auron wisping away as Pyreflies, his promises fulfilled. The Fayth, awakening, dieing, getting a true chance to rest. The world, finally safe, an occasion for rejoicing. Yet the party is sad as Tidus begins to fade. Even when he can no longer touch others, he still mimes hugging Yuna, just as a final Time, a wish to show her he cared. Then the inspiring speech by Yuna about memories, and carrying them with it, a speech that transends the Video Game world, and is something I could easily see a motavational speaker saying.

  27. #147
    Which FF had your Favorite Music?
    Music-wise, my favorite Final Fantasy had to be Final Fantasy X. The beauty of the music was when you stepped into a new environment, you felt like you were in the area with the characters due to the music fitting the scenery. Also, all of the sad scenes had some of the most fitting emotional songs I've ever heard.

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?
    Overall? That would be Final Fantasy VII. Too many good characters each filling their exact roles. Clouds mysteriousness, Barret and Cids outspokeness, and just the most memorable characters in general.

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?
    Oh man. Honestly I have a favorite Male character and Female character because they are tied for 1st.

    Zack(Final Fantasy VII)
    Zack is just so determined to become a hero and is always overshadowed by Cloud. He dies saving Cloud and I think that he is a true hero.

    Rikku(Final Fantasy X)
    Shes just so spunky and I found myself laughing at almost everything she said. One of the most memorable characters ever.

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?
    X. It had the waiting Battle system and had the Sphere Grid. The Sphere Grid was one of the most innovative leveling systems ever, and a lot of people hated it.

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?
    Kefka, hands down. He is just so psychotic and is hilarious. He also achieves his goal and isn't your typical villain.

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?
    VII. I am a sucker for all of FFVIIs story. It is one of my favorite stories ever and In my opinion the best out of the FF series.

    Which FF had your Favorite Ending?
    X. It was so sad and emotional. It also left you with a sense of accomplishment and sort of a make your own ending.

  28. #148
    Which FF had your Favorite Music?
    I don't notice music much, I'm spoiled and take it for granted. However, I remember, from fifteen years ago, being enchanted by the opera in VI.

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?
    VI had the most interesting batch of human types, but I like the strange animal like party in IX more for the variety.

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?
    Favorite for being cool- Shadow in VI
    Favorite for being bizarre- Quina in IX
    Favorite for being the most interesting person- Wakka from X

    I'll edit in some more answers later.

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?

    Which FF had your Favorite Ending?

  29. #149
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Which FF had your Favorite Music?

    Erm... I actually like the music in all the Final Fantasy's I've played. However... Seeing as I'm having a hard time picking one, I'll pick two and say Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy XII!

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?

    Again, I'm going to have to go with Final Fantasy VII. They were just brilliant, and really well created. You got a sence from each chacater that told you their personalities before they opened their mouths to say anything.

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?

    FINAL FANTASY VII!!! Vincent Valentine is my favourite character. He is just so... mysterious, and I love his cape...

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?

    I liked the new battle system in Final Fantasy XII. It gave you more freedom of how a battle could turn out. AND I liked the fact that all your characters could carry the same weapons and armor.

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?

    I'm STUCK AGAIN!!! In Final Fantasy VII, I loved Sephiroth... But then I also loved Vaine in Final Fantasy XII... Man, can't decide...

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?

    AGAIN! Both Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy XII.

    Which FF had your Favorite Ending?

    Erm... Final Fantasy XII, because its the first Final Fantasy game I finished without help from anyone, or going on YouTube to see the enddings...

    "I used to be active here like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."

    Suddenly... clutter.:

    Me and the lovely Joey is two cheeky chimpmonks, we is. Because TFF cousins can still... do stuff. ; )

    Quotes to have a giggle at.:

    Quote Originally Posted by Bleachfangirl
    I'm none too scary really. Just somewhat violent...
    Quote Originally Posted by MSN Convo
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    ...*runs around with a stick*
    Hm, no one's here...
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

    All my banners are now done by me! Soon, I will be great! Muwahahahaha... ha... eck! *coughs* ...ha!
    Biggest fan of Peanut Butter created by The Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation ^^

    Warning free for over eight years. Feels good.

  30. #150
    Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version] Occult's Avatar
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    Jul 2008
    Belfast, UK
    Which FF had your Favorite Music?
    Hmm... Normally I enjoy the music of all FF games
    I love FFVI, VII, VIII, X and XII music. Pre FFVI music wasnt anything special IMO
    I did however dislike FFIX music immensly
    And X-2 had weird battle music O_o

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?
    Its a toss up between
    FFVII (I adore Tifa! Yuffie, Aerith and Vincent were awesome too)
    and FFVIII (Selphie, Quistis, Zell and even Fujin/Raijin)

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?
    I tend to like assertive women so it has to be Tifa

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?
    Definatly FFX-2. I'll admit the story was insufferable, but that is the best gameplay mechanics for ATB that a FF vet such as myself has seen

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?
    Without a doubt, Ultimecia. I'm on the border of obsessiveness
    She is a complete enigma, no motives, no history, nothing. She just ... is!
    The Ultimecia/Rinoa Theroy breathed life into her but unfortunatly SQEX denies it -_-

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?
    FFVIII. Sorceresses, Garden War, Space Missions, Time Compression, etc
    I also love futuristic settings so FFVIII has my heart, with X and VII a close second. FFIX however is at the bottom of my list. Dont get me wrong I love certain scenes and characters but I wasnt enthralled with the game overall.

    Which FF had your Favorite Ending?
    Hmm... Perhaps FFX?
    Bittersweet ending that left you begging for more
    (That is, untill X-2 was released. Then you would have rather they left it unspoiled.)

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